Sunday, June 20, 2010

I'm back

Just a quick post to say that I am in fact alive and plan to start blogging again soon. We have been busy with work, the end of school and camp and I am sorry I have neglected you all. A few updates for your consideration:

I am again gainfully employed. I start teaching summer school July 1st. I am sure I this will give me plenty of material for the blog. It will be so nice to have a boss I am not married to.

The Christmas tree is still up. I have resigned myself to it making it until next Christmas. We are already over half way to Thanksgiving, so I am just going to roll with it.

After two weeks at the pool more or less non stop my children are in fact brown again.

I have found about 3 pounds that I need to lose, but I just can't make myself quit eating crap.

I decided my cell phone was dirty so I thought it would be wise to wash with the sheets from my bed. Apparently that wasn't a good plan.

Holy crap, I typed this entire post without a single mispelling.


  1. You have been missed! So glad you are back! I, too, washed my cell phone....replaced it with a new one and did the same thing again. I now check my jean pockets before throwing them in the washer!

  2. Although i talk to you almost every day....WELCOME BACK!

  3. You've been missed. Washing the cell phone with the sheets, priceless. I used to work in a cell phone call center. Sounds like a normal day in the world of cell phones. Best one, the idiot on the phone was feeding his 'pet gator' and the reptile ate the phone! Guy was so upset and wanted a new, free phone. Um, no. Guess he thought it was our fault his phone fell out of his pocket. Told him to find the gator and have a vet surgically remove the phone, dry it out completely for a week, then see if it would still work. His reply was not family friendly.

  4. thank goodness you're back ... i was getting of reading other junk!


Don't be a wimp. Talk to me!